
Hello World.




Hi there!

I’m Tim, a young student from Austria with an insatiable passion for programming. But that’s not all—I’m also enthusiastic about many other topics that I love to share and discuss.

Since describing myself with sentences can be tricky, let’s break it down with some code:

var tK = new Person("Tim","Kicker");

tK.State = "Austria";
tK.Interests = {"Linux",
                "Data curation",
                "Privacy Guardance"};

tK.FavGames = {"Half-Life 2",
               "Lego Universe",
               "Far Cry 3",
               "Portal 2"};

tK.FavLang = "CSharp";
tK.FavColor = Color.Black; 
            // if that's a real color?

I’ve answered some common questions on my FAQ page. If you prefer to read my content without JavaScript, check out the alternate frontend.

Feel like supporting me? Buy me a coffee!

Don’t hesitate to reach out—I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment, send an email, or connect with me on Twitter or GitHub.

Happy browsing!
